UV filter is used mainly by photography as a form of protection for the lens. IMHO, a lot of photographers also know that if the UV filter that you use is not of high quality, the chances that you may get the 'flare factor' is high. I faced that problem in my first ever try of doing night shots. Though my shots are not great, this is just for all information. See the below images that have the so called 'flare factor'. The flare factor is marked with the bluish oval shape.

Fig: Though this photo is about the same as above, I did not what I have changed for the settings that had made the flare factor even more serious.

Fig: My first sharp sharp photo is marred by the flare factor... so $%@$
From what I read, the flare factor will happen if you zoom in at certain length with certain f stop. Below is another night shot that is not zoomed in at all, but does not present any 'flare factor'.

And now the below are the images that I re-take after I took off the UV filter off. I think I need to invest and buy a better UV filter. :)

Fig: Without UV filter but lower ISO

Fig: With higher ISO than the above photo. Which photo you like?

Fig: Or do you like this photo taken with lower ISO?

Fig: With higher ISO, do you like this photo?
All the night shots are very yellowish in my opinion. Should I called it yellowish or there is another term? ^ ^ Actually the real scene is not that "yellowish". I should say, there is a bit element of green color. The green color like missing from the photos. I still dunno how to take proper night shots. It means I have still more to learn. :)
Well, after so many months of hiatus that I have finally updated my blog, I guess now I have more motivation to update more frequently. I shall post all photos shall I have nice nice photos that I would like to share with others.
If any experts have advise to a noob like me, feel free to leave your valuable comments. ^_^