Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Going to 4 months......

My wife is pregnant as most of my frenz know. She is 4th month pregnant, or rather 3 months plus. However, she still told me she always feel like wanna vomit from times to times. I kinda worried bout her. hmm...... But I cant do anything right now except trying to constantly call home to check on her.

After NDP, I will be able to go back fortnightly. Hope that by going back fortnightly, she will be happier to see my face, and she will get even better.

Spending around SGD160 ~ SGD200 on bus tickets every month to see my lovely honey would be worthwhile. No amount of money can weigh on the importance of family. I might forget this sometimes, so folks... pls hit my head and remind me from times to times.


1 comment:

sooky said...

When you need someone to bang your head, be sure to call me... will be more than glad to be at your service ;P