Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Watching Max Payne resulted me in Maximum Pain!!!!

Probably you people might wonder what in the hell does watching Max Payne can result me in maximum pain. The pain that I refer to is my "pocket". My pocket hurt a lot after watching Max Payne - The movie. The movie sucks and my pocket hurt. What a hellish day I had yesterday.

Look at below and you will know what I mean by my pocket "hurt". I was stupidly being issued a compound for parking at yellow line. F*#@!!! Probably other people might think I deserved it. I just parked my car beside a row of houses. Just happen to be the road has a yellow line on it. I thought, as I did not block the road, probably nobody would issue me a compound. DEAD WRONG!!!!! I saw this compound on my windscreen. I really wanna shout.... F@@@@

Oh well.. since I would be heading back south to Singapore that evening, I had to settle this compound as soon as possible. Hence I went to MPSJ to pay the compound. I duly took my number and waited for my turn. When my number was called, I approached the cashier and appeal for my compound. I told him this is my first time, and I had promptly come to pay it. I was issued the compound around 1:20pm, and I was at MPSJ to pay my compound at 3:00pm. Very prompt right? So the cashier said okay and gave me a reprieved. I got a 50% discount and I paid half the amount.

Moral of the story!!!! Dun bloody "kim siap" on the parking fees for the complexes. Just pay rather than getting an exorbitant compound on your windscreen. Plus, it is a hassle to go to your town councils just to pay it. ^_^


Owen Choo said...

An expensive lesson costs RM40!!

Anonymous said...

I oso kena yesterday. Even worse i use motorbike only leh

kayel said...

Dear anonymous,
we all have same fate. What to do.....

Alex Yap said...

lar ..

MPSJ always give 50% discount if you pay within 14 days ..

last time i went there to pay parking fines .. i already prepare 110 for the parking fine in SS2 ..

the moment i reached counter, i give the fella the compound + money .. then the nice jie jie ask me .. "tak nak rayu ker?"

I was holy cow, can rayu some more .. so i went to the next counter .. get the discount and paid the fine.